Young man welcomes two sets of babies within 24 hours from his two wives

A young man identified as Sheshi Daudu Maza has shared excitement news after his two wives delivered their babies within a few hours’ intervals.

The news of his Children’s arrival was shared by the man in two different posts.

In his first post, the man revealed that his first wife, Hussaina, delivered a baby girl on Thursday.

“God’s blessing may come as a surprise, and how much u receive, depends on how much, ur heart can believe. My first wife Hussaina has given birth to a bouncy baby girl both mother and the child are well.” He wrote.

Fly in the plane of Ambition & Land in the Airport of Success. God has blessed us with another baby girl again, my second wife Maryam just put to birth, and both mother and the child are medically sound and ok.” He wrote.

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