Popular Actress, Liz Da Silva has taken to her official social media handle to share a lovely video with her son, Momooreoluwa Sunkanmi Abefemi. Liz Da Silva spent quality time with her son at the airport in the UK. In the video, she was seen goofing around with him. Liz created beautiful memories with her son. The video was very satisfactory to watch as she served mother goals.
Sunkanmi is Liz Da Silva’s only son. He currently lives and studies in the United Kingdom. Liz Da Silva gushes over him and blasts her enemies in a new post.
She said, “Seeing my son happy gives me endless hope. My best friend, Momooreoluwa. May all our kids be far from all wicked souls called humans. You know yourself. I have blocked the Whatsapp number that you use in wishing your kids dead. I’m sure you are unhappy that my precious son is growing in wisdom, knowledge and understanding”.
This lovely moment sparked reactions online as fans and celebrities dropped love emojis.
Watch the video below;